HERE or call Author House @ 888.280.7715 for our new
comprehensive book on PRAISE AND WORSHIP . . .a new and exciting "must have" for every Christian who is seeking to worship God in the midst of the tempest of our modern world.
"I might
not be a religious man myself but I know good music when I hear it, and this is very
good! . . . I dont think that I have ever given such high
ratings to so many songs before. But
the fact is that they are well deserved because the
music is amazing. Simply wonderful religious ballads and they
really get to your heart. . .everytime."
Fredrik Cole: Trax In Space
Though the world may fall upon
me, Lord I shall not be afraid,
Cause I know You are Lord, You are my friend.
And Ill never serve another, for You are all Ill ever need,
Yes I know, Youll be with me to the end.
Only You can lead and guide me,
And will see me through the night.
Only you have died to save me,
You made the sacrifice.
Only You alone are faithful,
You will be with me till the end.
I will trust in You,
Only You, O Lord, my Friend.
Though I thought my life was lost, I found it all to be in You,
Now I know, You are Lord, You are my friend.
When I thought I was forsaken, You held me in Your loving hands,
Yes I know, Youll be with me to the end.
Only You can lead and guide me,
And will see me through the night.
Only you have died to save me,
You made the sacrifice.
Only You alone are faithful,
You will be with me till the end.
I will trust in You,
Only You, O Lord, my Friend.
Only You can lead and guide me,
And will see me through the night.
Only you have died to save me,
You made the sacrifice.
Only You alone are faithful,
You will be with me till the end.
I will trust in You,
Only You, O Lord, my Friend.
I will trust in You,
Only You, O Lord, my Friend.
I will trust in You,
Only You, O Lord, my Friend.
Words and Music Copyright © 2000 Don Wigton.
A free chord chart to this song is available at the Wigtune Home Page @
This laid-back piece features Vanessas dynamic singing with smooth and catchy harmonies that will fill your soul with rapture. Don fills in with the piano over a soft and easy rhythm and airy guitars as Vanessas soothing vocals assure us of the hope we have in God. This one is sure to captivate your attention.
Song Story
Vanessa was just at her end and very concerned about the future of our childrens
faith that is being constantly attacked and watered down by the worlds unbelief. In
the midst of that trial the words Only You came to me as a testimony of the
fact that there are not any answers to life or roads to travel on other than the one Jesus
has laid out for us. Only He can lead and guide us, save us, is faithful and will be with
us to the end. Therefore, we put our trust in Him and Him alone.
These words have always been very comforting to Vanessa and were even more so during this
difficult times. We got through the ordeal because we, as a family, determined to put our
faith only in Jesus.
It was ironic how the music to this song came about. I got a request over the Internet for
an instrumental version of Closer Than A Friend. I wasnt able to use the
old tracs, so I had to start all over. The resultant instrumental turned out so good that
I decided to re-write the chorus and have Vanessa sing it for re-release on the Internet.
The results were very satisfying!
We sincerely pray that, as you listen to this song, you are encouraged to put your trust
in Jesus and Jesus only. Though the world is very critical of our position, we can boldly
and without fear say Only you to our God and expect Him to bless the results.
Wigtune Company was formed as a service to the body of Christ. Our vision is to encourage scriptural worship in the Church by offering free praise music and hymns performed in a contemporary manner along with a free on-line worship study book for personal devotions, Bible study groups, Sunday schools, pastors, music ministers and ministry training. The worship study book lends theological and historical support to the use of traditional Christian hymn-singing in conjunction with praise chorus singing. Click on one of the links below to enter into the Wigtune resource that interests you !
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Copyright © 1999 Don Wigton. All rights reserved.
Patriotic Hymns 1
| Patriotic Hymns 2
Christmas Hymns
1 | Christmas Hymns 2 | Christmas
Hymns 3 | Christmas Hymns 4
Hymns 1 | Hymns 2 | Hymns 3 | Hymns
4 | Hymns 5 | Hymns 6 | Hymns 7 | Hymns 8 | Hymns