I'll Stand for YouCLICK
HERE or call Author House @ 888.280.7715 for our new
comprehensive book on PRAISE AND WORSHIP . . .a new and exciting "must have" for every Christian who is seeking to worship God in the midst of the tempest of our modern world.
"I might
not be a religious man myself but I know good music when I hear it, and this is very
good! . . . I dont think that I have ever given such high
ratings to so many songs before. But
the fact is that they are well deserved because the
music is amazing. Simply wonderful religious ballads and they
really get to your heart. . .everytime."
Fredrik Cole: Trax In Space
I remember that living was so much easier before,
I didnt seem it was such a drag.
But now Im wishing it all away,
Though I believe in the words that You say,
I am down, lost and confused, what can I do?
Its getting harder to believe in all the promise youve given,
When everything around me is falling apart.
But through the loneliness Your love remains,
You will hold onto me, Ill do it Your way,
I may be on my back, but Ill be looking up to you.
Though its getting harder Ill stand for You,
So give me the power that I need,
Cause You are the one on whom I believe.
Yes its getting harder to stand,
But You have shown, I need Your love I want to know,
That You will be there to rescue me.
I remember now, when I was innocently serving You,
I didnt know itd be so difficult to do.
But though I toss and turn all night,
Your love will hold me now Im all right.
I see the tables are turning as I give my heart to You.
Though its getting harder Ill stand for You,
So give me the power that I need,
Cause You are the one on whom I believe.
Yes its getting harder to stand,
But You have shown, I need Your love I want to know,
That You will be there to rescue me.
Though its getting harder Ill stand for You,
So give me the power that I need,
Cause You are the one on whom I believe.
Yes its getting harder to stand,
But You have shown, I need Your love I want to know,
That You will be there to rescue me.
I want to know, I want to know,
That You will rescue me.
I want to know, I want to know,
That You will rescue me,
Rescue me, rescue me.
I want to know that You will be there to rescue me.
Words and Music Copyright © 1999 Don Wigton
"Very powerful, in words, music, and emotion. Emotion-envoking harmonies, great melodies, and the organ in the back sets the mood to make this a great song. Nice creativity. You've heard it before, but not like this!. . . this is top quality. Very well done and professionally put together. The professionalism is very obvious in this one with all of the harmonies and the rock organ appearing in this." Roncli: Trax In Space
Song Story
Like several of the songs I have written Ill Stand for You came at a time that I was
experiencing tremendous trials and tribulations. It was a period of life when I was so
emotionally down that I didnt think that I could go on. It appeared to me that serving God
was just something that would get only harder-and-harder as life went on-and-on. I was
beginning to adopt a pretty bleak look on life with God.
It seems that in our society today, as Christianity becomes less popular, everyone who
dedicates his/her life to God has chosen a course that will be met with severe resistance
from every corner. The worst adversary, the Devil, waits constantly in the shadows. As one
thing after another seemed to come down on me, I began to understand the extent of
devotion that is required as a Christian. I also knew my own weakness and inability to
rise up to the level of obedience that was necessary to stand against the adversity that I
faced. It was then that I began to realize how dependent I was on the Lord. Without the
power of His love and Holy Spirit in my life, I knew I would be a failure.
From His Word I gradually became aware of the provisions that He has given. I accepted the
fact the He and only He can bring us through this life victoriously. It is this conclusion
that this song conveys. It is because of Gods love for us that we as believers can
successfully proclaim that well stand for God.
Selah performed the song as Mitch took on the solo part to sing the words convincingly and
with conviction wherever we ministered. It was because of the truth that is carried in the
words that it was included on the Selah CD Stop and Think About It. The trac is very
moving and, therefore, has been offered up as an mp3.
Some of the hardest times in life provide the best inspiration for composers. This song
attests to this. We offer it now to you in the hopes that you will be enlivened to stand
for God in the midst of trials as He provides you with the ability and courage that can
make all things possible.
Wigtune Company was formed as a service to the body of Christ. Our vision is to encourage scriptural worship in the Church by offering free praise music and hymns performed in a contemporary manner along with a free on-line worship study book for personal devotions, Bible study groups, Sunday schools, pastors, music ministers and ministry training. The worship study book lends theological and historical support to the use of traditional Christian hymn-singing in conjunction with praise chorus singing. Click on one of the links below to enter into the Wigtune resource that interests you !
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Copyright © 1999 Don Wigton. All rights reserved.
Patriotic Hymns 1
| Patriotic Hymns 2
Christmas Hymns
1 | Christmas Hymns 2 | Christmas
Hymns 3 | Christmas Hymns 4
Hymns 1 | Hymns 2 | Hymns 3 | Hymns
4 | Hymns 5 | Hymns 6 | Hymns 7 | Hymns 8 | Hymns