I Believe in YouCLICK
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comprehensive book on PRAISE AND WORSHIP . . .a new and exciting "must have" for every Christian who is seeking to worship God in the midst of the tempest of our modern world.
"I might
not be a religious man myself but I know good music when I hear it, and this is very
good! . . . I dont think that I have ever given such high
ratings to so many songs before. But
the fact is that they are well deserved because the
music is amazing. Simply wonderful religious ballads and they
really get to your heart. . .everytime."
Fredrik Cole: Trax In Space
Lord I'm counting on You to release me,
From the burdens that I have been carrying.
I believe in you,
Cause I know that my heart will be safe in Your hands.
Now I'm counting on You, Lord to change me,
From the way that I am to what I want to be.
I believe in you,
Cause I know that my heart will be safe in Your hands.
Since I set my eyes on you O God,
You have shown me now that I can believe in You.
You are my Lord and I believe in You.
You are my Rock, Lord and I believe in You.
I believe in You,
I believe in You.
Now I'm counting on You, Lord to tell me,
What You want me to do and what I need to be.
I believe in you,
Now I know that my heart will be safe in Your hands.
Since I set my eyes on you O God,
You have shown me now that I can believe in You.
You are my Lord and I believe in You.
You are my Rock, Lord and I believe in You.
I believe in You,
I believe in You.
Since I set my eyes on you O God,
You have shown me now that I can believe in You.
You are my Lord and I believe in You.
You are my Rock, Lord and I believe in You.
I believe in You,
I believe in You.
Words and Music Copyright © 1999 Don Wigton
" An incredible production to listen
to" TraxInSpace. The Bible tells us to fix our eyes on Jesus, the God who is the
author and perfector of our faith. (Heb 12:2) This song features Paul Perez playing sax
fills that are so cool that even Kenny G would be envious! The duet by Mitch and Virginia
assure us that God is our Rock. Therefore, those who believe in Him can be assured that
their heart will be safe in His hands.
"Mature, talented artists trademark this group's style. The saxophone fits this piece perfectly! It almost makes the piece, musically. Very nice creativity for this style, but not something you haven't heard before, musically. The idea to combine this style of music with a religious theme isn't something you see often. Again, perfect sample quality. The quality and talent is there. A nice high quality religious pop song, created by talented musicians that work well together. . .an incredible production to listen to" - Roncli: Trax In Space
Song Story
Several of the songs that I have written came out of the same hard time in my
life when I was faced with losing almost everything that was important to me. I Believe in
You was one of those songs.
It is when everything is crumbling around you that your faith is truly tested. It is easy
to follow God when everything is easy. But what do we do in the hard times?
This song came out of this struggle of thought. It stands in the midst of trials as a
confession of belief in God even though circumstances do not seem to support the wisdom of
that faith. It contends that God is the only one who can be counted on under any
circumstance, whether good or bad. It does not matter where we are in life, we can believe
in God because He can be trusted.
The instrumental tracs always sounded good in this cut. When we took it to Fat Tracs
Studio, Selah laid down excellent vocals. But something was still missing. At the time
Vanessa and I had been listening to Kenny G. Out of the blue it occurred to me that a cool
soprano sax would be perfect for the song. Naturally, when we brought Paul Perez in to
play, we asked him if he could lay down such a part in that song. He had the right sax and
all the talent that was necessary. The results were astonishing.
This was our engineers (Max Reese of Tom Pettys first gold album) favorite cut on the
project. Hence, a lot of time was put into the mix. He instigated a really cool reverb
setting that created a lot of space in the cut. The song turned out with a really nice
mellow feel and the sax solo work is awesome.
The message of the song has not been lost in the midst of the musical foray. The lyrics
dynamically proclaim dependence and faith in God. Eventually God came through for me in my
life as everything turned out to my ultimate benefit. Yet in the midst of my trial He
assured me that belief in Him was certain to produce the positive results that I
eventually realized. It is this assurance that this song conveys to all of us.
Wigtune Company was formed as a service to the body of Christ. Our vision is to encourage scriptural worship in the Church by offering free praise music and hymns performed in a contemporary manner along with a free on-line worship study book for personal devotions, Bible study groups, Sunday schools, pastors, music ministers and ministry training. The worship study book lends theological and historical support to the use of traditional Christian hymn-singing in conjunction with praise chorus singing. Click on one of the links below to enter into the Wigtune resource that interests you !
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Copyright © 1999 Don Wigton. All rights reserved.
Patriotic Hymns 1
| Patriotic Hymns 2
Christmas Hymns
1 | Christmas Hymns 2 | Christmas
Hymns 3 | Christmas Hymns 4
Hymns 1 | Hymns 2 | Hymns 3 | Hymns
4 | Hymns 5 | Hymns 6 | Hymns 7 | Hymns 8 | Hymns