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This page features the patriotic songs: America the Beautiful,  Battle hymn of the Republic, The Star Spangled Banner.   Look at the bottom of the page for free Christian praise songs and hymns, chord charts for the contemporary chorus and traditonal hymn and gospel music, plus and on-line worship Bible study.

All Hail the Power of Jesus Name

Nothing but the Blood

Come Thou Long Expected Jesus

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Music to touch your spirit. . .

"I might not be a religious man myself but I know good music when I hear it, and this is very good! . . . I don’t think that I have ever given such high ratings to so many songs before. But the fact is that they are well deserved because the music is amazing. Simply wonderful religious ballads and they really get to your heart. . .everytime."
Fredrik Cole: Trax In Space

Look below to find hymn story and hymn lyric information for Come Thou Long Expected Jesus, Nothing but the Blood, All Hail the power of Jesus Name .

All Hail the Power of Jesus Name

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All hail the power of Jesus’ name!

Let angels prostrate fall;

Bring forth the royal diadem;

And crown Him Lord of all;

Bring forth the royal diadem,

And crown Him Lord of all!


Ye chosen seed of Israel’s race,

Ye ransomed from the fall,

Hail Him who saves you by His grace,

And crown Him Lord of all;

Hail Him who saves you by His grace,

And crown him Lord of all!


Let ev’ry kindred, ev’ry tribe,

On this terrestrial ball,

To Him all majesty ascribe,

And crown Him Lord of all;

To Him all majesty ascribe,

And crown Him Lord of all!


O that with yonder sacred throng

We at his feet may fall!

We’ll join the everlasting song;

And crown Him Lord of all;

We’ll join the everlasting song,

And crown Him Lord of all!

Arrangement Copyright © 2000 Don Wigton

Powerfully a Steinway piano introduces the majestic theme proclaiming the wonder of God’s power and authority. . .gently a resounding cello ushers in with the melody underscored by a host of strings and a melodic flute. . .dramatically a chorus of instruments declare God’s majestic wonders.

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Song Story

Edward Perronet, who wrote the marvelous praise hymn, was not one to put up with certain church issues.  He was a minister in the Anglican church for some time, but, after becoming fed up with what he felt was the church’s “nonsense”, he became a Methodist, joining up with the Wesleys.  As a Methodist he now faced persecution and, as John Wesley recorded, “Edward Perronet was thrown down and rolled in mud and mire.


However, Perronet eventually became angered at the Methodists over the issue of who could administer that sacraments.  He then joined a group called the Connexion but later broke from them as well.  This great song was written while he was a minister in an independent church in Canterbury.  In spite of the fact that he broke from so many Christian denominations, this hymn points to a time when all believers will join together in on celestial chorus.


It contains a majestic theme, so it was my intention to create an instrumental arrangement that did it justice.  So,  I started it with a solid, deep piano, resonate double bass setting the stage for a deep cello to carry the melody.  A sound chorus of strings breaks in to accompany the melodic flute in the second stanza.  Eventually a chorus of instruments gather together to dramatically declare the final climax.  We pray that as you listen to this outstanding praise hymn that God will impress upon you the wonders of His glory as you fall to your knees in worship and adoration of our Royal King.

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Nothing But the Blood

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What can wash away my sin?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Oh! precious is the flow
That makes me white as snow;
No other fount I know,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

For my pardon, this I see,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
For my cleansing this my plea,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Oh! precious is the flow
That makes me white as snow;
No other fount I know,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Nothing can for sin atone,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
Naught of good that I have done,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Oh! precious is the flow
That makes me white as snow;
No other fount I know,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

This is all my hope and peace,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
This is all my righteousness,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Oh! precious is the flow
That makes me white as snow;
No other fount I know,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Now by this I’ll overcome—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus,
Now by this I’ll reach my home—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Oh! precious is the flow
That makes me white as snow;
No other fount I know,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Glory! Glory! This I sing—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus,
All my praise for this I bring—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Oh! precious is the flow
That makes me white as snow;
No other fount I know,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Arrangement Copyright © 2000 Don Wigton

With melodious enthusiasm a Steinway piano gently caresses a familiar tune. . .a subtle bass guitar is followed by a deep B3 organ supporting the timeless message of Christ’s work on the cross. . .a solid beat with acoustic guitars smoothly and passionately bring to the heart the meaning of salvation.

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Song Story

“Nothing but the Blood” was written by Robert Lowry who attended the University of Lewisburg, and later Buck­nell Un­i­ver­si­ty, where he be­came a pro­fess­or of lit­er­a­ture.  He was or­dained as a Bap­tist minister and ministered at many churches.  This list included West Chester, Penn­syl­van­ia; Bloom­ing­dale Bap­tist Church, New York City; Han­son Place Bap­tist Church, Brook­lyn, New York; First Baptist Church, Lewis­burg, Penn­syl­vania; and Park Ave­nue Baptist Church, Plain­field, New Jer­sey.  Robert al­so worked as a mu­sic ed­i­tor at the Big­low Pub­lish­ing Com­pany and wrote about 500 Gospel tunes.


This one is my favorite of his.  In his book “The Soul Winner” Charles Spurgeon exhorted pastors never to preach a message without emphasizing the blood of Jesus.  Many religions reveal “mysteries” regarding a multitude of ways that mankind can attain salvation.  Only Christianity proclaims that salvations comes through God’s work and God’s work alone.  Only Christianity claims salvation through the blood of God Himself.


The message of this precious praise hymn is so powerful that I wanted to make sure that I composed a musical arrangement that was certain to catch the attention of the modern church.  Vanessa has always lectured me about emphasizing the piano in my songs, so I decided to let it carry the lead.  Supporting the piano is an exciting rock combo sound with b3 organ, drums, bass and acoustic guitar.  They all fit together to produce a dynamic and current-sounding version of this classic song.  We pray that as you listen to this instrumental that you reflect on the importance of the work of Christ on the cross.

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Come Thou Long Expected Jesus

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Come, thou long expected Jesus,

Born to set Thy people free.

From our fears and sins release us;

Let us find our rest in Thee.

Israel’s Strength and Consolation,

Hope of all the earth Thou art,

Dear desire of every nation,

Joy of every longing heart.



Born Thy people to deliver,

Born a child and yet a King,

Born to reign in us forever,

Now Thy gracious kingdom bring.

By Thine own eternal Spirit,

Rule in all our hearts alone;

By Thine all sufficient merit,

Raise us to Thy glorious throne.

 Arrangement Copyright © 1999 Don Wigton

An effortless piano profoundly sings out the cry of generations. . .come, Lord Jesus. . .a gentle flute whispers the joyous song. . .come, Lord Jesus. . .a deep cello cries. . .come, Lord Jesus.

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Song Story

This was one of 18 Christmas praise hymns written by Charles Wesley.  Charles and his brother john left the Anglican traditions of their day.  Though the church of their time had great scholarship and theology, they questioned whether the message fit into the everyday life events of Christians.  Hymns were sung straight from scripture, but the Wesley’s desired to write ones that related to what was going on in people’s lives.  So, even in their hymn-singing they urged people to meet Christ personally and to include Him in everything.


This Christmas hymn was written with these ideas in mind.  As it begins Wesley alludes to the prophecies of Christ.  To personalize the message he then continues: Christ is not only the “desire of every nations”; He is the “joy of every longing heart.  He is not only the child born with the “government. . .on His shoulders; He is “born to reign in us forever.


In putting together a Christmas CD for the year 2000 Christmas season, I was surprised to find this song.  It generally isn’t played as a Christmas song during the holidays.  But its profundity in regards to that sacred even is outstanding.


I kept the arrangement simple, focusing on the Steinway piano.  This is highlighted by a deep string bass, a gentle flute and melodic cello.  We pray that this arrangement enhances your praise during times of thankfulness for God’s great Gift to us all.

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Come Thou Long Expected Jesus, All Hail the Power of Jesus name, Nothing But the Blood, I know that My Redeemer Lives are not the only songs available.  Look below for many more praise and worship mp3's, charts and worship Bible study.

The Christian hymn lyric and hymn story material offered on this page is only a portion of our ministry resources.  Click on some of the links below to acess more! is a subsidiary of Wigtune Company, formed as a service to the body of Christ.   Our vision is to encourage scriptural worship in the Church by offering free praise music and hymns performed in a contemporary manner along with a free on-line worship study book for personal devotions, Bible study groups, Sunday schools, pastors, music ministers and ministry training.  The worship study book  lends theological and historical support to the use of traditional Christian hymn-singing in conjunction with praise chorus singing. Click on one of the links below to enter into the Wigtune resource that interests you !

We believe that the current contention among Christian generations over church music is unnesessary.  One does not have to chose between the classic traditional hymns such as Nothing But the Blood, All Hail the power of Jesus Name, Come Thou Long Expected Jesus  and the contemporary praise chorus and song.  Solomon declared that there is a place for everything under the sun. The worship musical material and the worship Bible study book offered at the Wigtune website support this theme.Vision Statement    Going to this page will inform the WEB surfer the circumstances that lead to the Wigtune offering of praise song and hymn along with the worship Bible study book that lends theology and history based support to the use of traditional Christian hymn singing  of Nothing But the blood, Come Thou Long Expected Jesus in conjunction with praise chorus singing.  Wigtune Story    The free on-line worship Bible study book is a manual for the use of the pastor, teacher, music minister, Bible study group, sunday school and any situation where a theological and historical lesson regarding worship is desired.  The Bible study is presented in outline form with questions that require thoughtful answers to the biblical and history based information that is presented.  Free On-Line Worship Studybook   

Free mp3 praise music  including All Hail the power of Jesus Name, Nothing But the Blood, Come Thou Long Expected Jesus in the form of tradtional Christian hymn performed in a contemporary manner and modern praise song and choruses mp3s.  Chord charts to many of these song mp3's are available for non-commercial ministry use.  Free Praise Music and Charts  

Listen to All Hail the power of Jesus Name, Come Thou long Expected Jesus, Nothing But the Blood on live internet radio.Radio: Listen to Wigtune music on live Internet radio

Cd' Are available containing Nothing But the Blood, Come Thou Long Expected Jesus, All Hail the power of Jesus Name.  Wigtune CD's

What are they saying about Wigtune praise and worship contemporary and hymn music including Come Thou Long Expected jesus, All Hail the power of Jesus Name, Nothing But the Blood.  Testimonials: What they are saying about Wigtune Music

When using the patriotic hymn material associated with Come Thou Long Expected Jesus, Nothing But the Blood, All Hail the Power of Jesus Name please help Wigtune Company by observing the copyright restrictions listed on this page.  The praise and worship materials (praise songs and hymns) have been offered up for free with love!  Copyright Restrictions    

What do you think of Wigtune's offering of praise music and worship study materials?  Let us know by e-mailing us and talking about All Hail the power of Jesus Name, Nothing But the Blood, Come Thou long Expected Jesus.  Contact Us    If you have been blessed by the free praise music (praise choruses and traditional hymns like All Hail the Power of Jesus Name, Come Thou Long Expected Jesus, Nothing But the Blood) and the worship study book, don't keep it to yourself.  Click here to see how you can spread the word!  Spread the Word!

Bible study helps and links to many Christian sites.  Bible Study Helps, a Multitude of Christian Links and Other Goodies

Click here to find out what organization are utilizing Wigtune contemporary Christian and traditional praise and worship music such as Nothing but the Blood, All Hail the Power of Jesus Name, Come Thou Long Expected Jesus chord charts, and online worship Bible study.  Where's Wiggy? - List and Links to Christian Organizations

 Add your url to our praise and worship page featuring  hymn material such as Nothing But the Blood, Come Thou Long Expected Jesus, All Hail the power of Jesus Name   Add URL    Click here to view the Wigtune statement of faith based upon orthodox Christian beliefs that are the foundation of Come Thou long Expected Jesus, All Hail the power of Jesus Name, Nothing But the Blood.  It is upon this profession that proclaims the doctrines of historical Christianity that the Wigtune praise and worship music and Bible study have been formulated.  Statement of Faith

Click here to view Christian WEB Ring links.  WEB Rings

 If you have been blessed by the praise hymn I Know that Come Thou Long Expected Jesus, Nothing But the Blood, All Hail the Power of Jesus Name, use this link to search for more!

Copyright © 1999 Don Wigton. All rights reserved.

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