HERE or call Author House @ 888.280.7715 for our new
comprehensive book on PRAISE AND WORSHIP . . .a new and exciting "must have" for every Christian who is seeking to worship God in the midst of the tempest of our modern world.
"I might
not be a religious man myself but I know good music when I hear it, and this is very
good! . . . I dont think that I have ever given such high
ratings to so many songs before. But
the fact is that they are well deserved because the
music is amazing. Simply wonderful religious ballads and they
really get to your heart. . .everytime."
Fredrik Cole: Trax In Space
I never knew what life was all about,
Until I found a Friend to love me,
I never felt the joy that I experience
Until I found a friend.
A Friend who loves me,
A Friend who feels it when I'm hurting.
I'm never alone,
Since I found a Friend forever more.
I can't imagine what it would be like
To be without you, now,
You carry all my sorrows.
For in your eyes I se a peace
That I can't understand,
Still I know in You I have a Friend.
Someone who loves me,
A Friend who shares what I've been bearing.
I'm never alone, I have found a Friend forever more!
Words and Music Copyright © 1999 Don Wigton
"This group sets the standard for artistic license. The usual
arrangement of pianos, guitars, and vocals for a song of this style. Catchy hook, and a
good chord scheme really get you into this song. Good creativity, and a very beautiful
arrangement. Yet heard so many times in this genre. Definitely, something you can enjoy.
Very nicely done light rock song. . . .a very worthy song for your listen." Roncli:
Trax In Space
Some songs seem to take forever to write. Sometimes they take weeks and you hate each new
revision even more than that which you tried to fix. Yet to the persistent the song one
day just clicks. A Friend was not one of these. As I wrote the song I could hardly keep my
pen up with my ideas. It probably came together in less than an hour.
However, it took years before I found someone who could sing it in a way that did it
justice. One woman after another butchered it in a manner that made it unrecognizable. A
trip to the studio with it was a disaster.
I was beginning to wonder if the song would ever sound right! That was, until I met
When Virginia began to sing the song, I was certain that it was perfect for her. Her vocal
was simply outstanding!
Later she told me that the union between her and the song was closer than I could even
have imagined. All of her life she had had trouble with friendships. Though people had
always let her down, she always found comfort in the Lord who never left nor forsook her.
Because of this, she has always performed this song that talks of the friendship of the
Lord with the heart that it deserved. Whether it be in concerts, church services weddings
and funerals people have always been moved (even to tears) as she sings it.
Jesus is the most faithful friend whom we could hope to have. Virginia communicates this
with the authority that only experience can adequately convey.
Wigtune Company was formed as a service to the body of Christ. Our vision is to encourage scriptural worship in the Church by offering free praise music and hymns performed in a contemporary manner along with a free on-line worship study book for personal devotions, Bible study groups, Sunday schools, pastors, music ministers and ministry training. The worship study book lends theological and historical support to the use of traditional Christian hymn-singing in conjunction with praise chorus singing. Click on one of the links below to enter into the Wigtune resource that interests you !
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Wigtune Story
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Testimonials: What they are saying
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Copyright © 1999 Don Wigton. All rights reserved.
Patriotic Hymns 1
| Patriotic Hymns 2
Christmas Hymns
1 | Christmas Hymns 2 | Christmas
Hymns 3 | Christmas Hymns 4
Hymns 1 | Hymns 2 | Hymns 3 | Hymns
4 | Hymns 5 | Hymns 6 | Hymns 7 | Hymns 8 | Hymns